Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life this week

Well, it FINALLY happened... Beckett got his first tooth!  Over 13 months old, better late than never, though, I guess.  haha!  It was actually pretty uneventful and in the middle of the night too, which is even better.  I'm sure a lot more will be popping in soon, so hopefully it won't be too tough on him.  And maybe now he'll start to be able to really enjoy more food than bananas and other soft things that he can smash in his mouth. 

Charlotte is seeming so grown up these days, and at almost two and a half, she has quite an imagination.  She is telling silly stories and making up songs, and of course has the occasional imaginary friend for the day or tells us that people are coming over to play with her, which I'm guessing they are unaware of.  On top of it all, she is quite the silly and funny girl.  Her days of meltdown dramas are fewer, and she now is just a silly jokester many days.  Always the entertainer!

For us, its just parenting and jobs as usual, although Kevin has been doing double duty at home and helping out a lot with the house and kids since I've been feeling extremely crummy this pregnancy.  Hoping this stage is over sooner than later.  Almost 9 weeks now and at 10 weeks I get to go in finally talk to a nurse.  Looking forward to getting these baby appointments going!  I still can't believe somedays that we're going to have three "babies" around here!  We know it will be challenging at times, but are so happy to have another one on the way and know that the kids will be the best of friends, especially being so close in age.