Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yep, they're really getting big!

Charlotte has had a rough week discipline-wise.  She's definitely about to hit that terrible two stage.  We realized just how much she had been getting in trouble when I overheard the following conversation between her and her Little People character toy a few days ago...

(As she was setting her Little People on her time out stool) "Time out. One minute."  "Say sorry Mommy."  "Ok." She then proceeded to pick up her Little People and give her a kiss. 

That was her mistake... she can't get away pretending like she doesn't understand how it works now.  haha!  Still, quite a funny thing to overhear.  She has so much personality and keeps us laughing often, more often than not simply at her response to getting in trouble.  So much drama!  And so grown up, of course, too!

Beckett, on the other hand, is growing up in another way.  He had his 6 month check up at the doctor today and they confirmed what we already knew.  He is a big boy!  He's 19lbs 9oz and 27 1/2 inches.  On the charts, that's in the 75-90% for both.  I guess that explains why he's already wearing 12 month clothes while he's only 6 months old.  This is such a strange thing for us, especially considering that Charlotte was only 19lb15oz at her one year check up!  Once again, growing up way too fast!