Friday, July 30, 2010

My sweet and silly kids

A boy and his dog

Beckett really loves his doggy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good nap day!

Both kids actually took long naps and at the same time today too!  A very rare sight to see right after naptime around here is happy kids playing, but that's what happened today! 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beckett walking

Our little guy is really starting to get the hang of walking now and having fun doing it too.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New couponing blog!

I've done it!  I started a blog just for my couponing "hobby"!  It's a work in progress, but I hope you will at least take a moment to check it out and maybe it can help you save a few dollars on groceries.  Saving money is always a good thing, right?  For those of you who have been following my deals on this site, I would love for you to be a follower on my new site now.  I already have one giveaway going on and hope to have more soon too.  Thanks for being patient with me while I work on this new site and allow The Woods Family site to just be a family update site! 

Click here to check out my new money-saving blog:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fruits of our labor... or vegetables, I guess

We have veggies! We've been picking green beans and zucchini for a couple weeks now and today we picked our first tomatoes. Well, Charlotte picked one a few days ago, but it wasn't ready yet. Its so nice to have them right outside and eat them fresh for dinner or whenever. As you can see, Charlotte is a fan of the zucchini straight out of the garden...

Cute baby!

Could he be any cuter?! Look at those dimples!

More fabulous Charlotte...

Here is just a glimpse of Charlotte and her fabulousness...

Yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet and she's wearing socks with sandals.

Note all of the accessories needed just for a car ride.

Helping Daddy

Charlotte was so excited to help her Daddy the other day when he asked... she is (usually) a very helpful little girl.  And she was even more excited to wear her pretty new bathing suit to wash the car in.  Of course, in classic Charlotte style, she had to wear her pretty jelly shoes too.  Quite the fabulous little girl!


Anybody still out there?  Well, once again, I am feeling like summer and life is just making the time fly. I cannot believe it has been so long since my last post. So here are a few updates from the Woods' house to catch you up...

*Kevin was gone for two weeks at a work training. And yes, I just about lost my mind! We are finally starting to get back to a routine and Charlotte just this week is ok now when he walks out of the house (or even out of the room) - she wasn't for over a week after he came back!  She sure loves her Daddy!

*Beckett is taking more and more steps all the time. I think he's about up to 10 or so at a time.  He's just in no hurry to be walking everywhere. His first step was at 9 months and now he's 11 months and still mostly crawling. I cannot believe his birthday is less than a month away!

*Charlotte is quite the girly girl these days. She will only wear dresses (even skirts make her very, VERY upset.) She actually pulls off any other clothes that we manage to get on her if it is not a "pretty dress." She also is seen all day wearing bracelets, necklaces, purses, "pretty shoes", and whatever other accessory she can find at the time. I actually noticed today after her nap that she had managed to get out of her bed during naptime, put on some bracelets, and get back into bed to sleep. She's also been getting a bit of a "sassy" attitude to go with it, so we're "working" on that one. :)  Actually, after a very rough couple weeks of serious attitude, she has been unbelievably pleasant the past couple days.  She is only two, after all, and just learning what is acceptable and what is not.

*And I have been busy trying just to keep up with stuff around the house. Somehow it seems like during the summer, any free time is spent out and about so things just pile up here. And the days nothing is going on, its just playing catch-up all day. Oh well, such is the life of a SAHM - which I love! (yes, even on the exhausting days!) I've also been the coupon crazy lady and have been saving our family tons of money and getting so much for free or cheap. I'm actually saving 60% off my groceries! Woo hoo! It really is a thrill, though, seeing that total go down at the register and even better feeling like I am getting the most I can for my money and helping provide for my family. If you want more info on how to save so much with coupons, feel free to ask, I love sharing any tips I can.  Or you can also click on the links on the right hand column - those are some of my favorite money-saving blog sites.

Hope your summer is going well! Thanks for stopping by to see what's going on in our little world.